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Lahore to Murree

Travel from Lahore to Murree by bus in cheap Ticket 2024

Travel from Lahore to Murree by bus in cheap Ticket 2024 if you want to travel from Lahore to Murree to experience. Murree’s lush green mountains and beautiful scenery, and if you are looking for the best transport to travel from Murree to Lahore, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will provide you with information about the best transports to travel from Lahore to Murre and also provide you with basic details like distance, route, etc., so stick to the end.

Lahore to Murree distance, time, and route

Lahore is the capital of Punjab, and Murree is a beautiful hill station with beautiful mountains. If you are travelling from Lahore to Murree, it will take about 7 hours to reach from Lahore to Murree, and the distance between Lahore and Murree is 438 kilometers. Buses usually start their journey from the M-2 Motorway, and then they use the Murree Motorway to reach Murree.

The best buses to travel from Lahore to Murree

In this article, we have discussed the top transport companies in Pakistan that operate from Lahore to Murree. We have also discussed transport companies that have budget-friendly ticket fares. Following are the list and ticket fares of transport companies.

  1. Faisal movers

Faisal movers have been operating their services since 2004. From that time on, they became customers first choice because of their customer service at very low ticket fares. Faisal movers provide luxury services from Lahore to Murre at very low ticket fares.

Business class Executive class
2800 Rs 2300 Rs

2. Bilal travels

Bilal Travels is a top-notch company in Pakistan that has been providing its services for many decades. To satisfy their customers needs and earn their trust, they have introduced many luxury services at very low ticket fares for their passengers. Bilal Travel offers very low ticket fares that are very below

Ticket fare

Bilal travels from Lahore to Murree and offers 2200 rupee ticket fares.

  1. Sania Express

Sania Express is Pakistan’s most luxurious bus service that provides its customers with extra services that are value for money. They have been operating their company since 1990, and due to their services at very low ticket fares, they have become passengers most favourite transport company to travel with in Pakistan.

Ticket Fares

Business class Executive class
2800 Rs 2300 Rs
  1. Niazi Express

Niazi expresses the well-known transport company in Pakistan that has been serving passengers for many decades to provide them with a comfortable journey. Niazi Express has introduced many luxury services for its passengers so that their journey will be comfortable.

Ticket Fares

Niazi Express has introduced budget-friendly ticket fares with luxury amenities so that their passengers can get more facilities on a low budget. The ticket fares per person are 2000 rupees.

Lahore to Murree
Lahore to Murree
  1. Skyways

Skyway has been providing services since 1990. From that time on, Skyways filled the gap in transportation and fulfilled the need for transportation for tourists, and with the passage of time, they evolved and adopted changes from time to time to satisfy their customers needs.

Ticket fares

The ticket fares for Skyway from Lahore to Murre are 2100 rupees per person.


In the rapidly growing transport industry of Pakistan, it is very difficult to choose a luxury transport company with very low ticket fares. In this article, we have discussed transport companies with luxury services with very low ticket fares, so it will become easy for you to choose a transport company for your travel.