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Travel from Karachi to Jhang by best buses in pakistan

Travel from Karachi to Jhang by best buses in pakistan if you want cheap travel by buses. In this article, we will provide you with information about the bus services to travel from Karachi to Jhang that will help you in your journey to select the bus service according to your budget. Let’s delve into the details.

Karachi to Jhang travel time, distance, and route

It will take approximately 13 to 14 hours, the distance is about 1050 km, and the route is the M5 (Multan-Sukkur) motorway.

List of bus services to travel from Karachi to Jhang

If you want to travel from Karachi to Jhang route by bus,travelling between two cities is the easiest way with the best bus service, so here are the best services to travel from Karachi to Jhang.

  • Skyways

Skyways is the most famous Pakistani bus service that is the customers first choice in terms of travel because of their customer service. They have been operating their services for many years and have more than 600 buses with different travel categories. Their buses are luxury equipped with modern equipment.

  • Kainat Travels

Kainat Travels is also Pakistan’s most famous transport network. They have an extensive transport network throughout Pakistan for their passengers, so they do not have to change many buses to reach their home or destination. They also have luxury buses and professional staff that deal with their passengers very professionally.

Kainat Travel and Skyways ticket prices from Karachi to Jhang

In this article, we have listed the best bus faisal movers services among Pakistan’s top 10 bus services with very low ticket fares and luxury services.

Bus Company Ticket Price
Kainat Travels 6000
Skyways 6500

Kainat travels on other routes; ticket fares

Departure City Destination City Executive Business
Karachi Multan 2950 3950
Karachi Faisalabad 5100 6400
Karachi Balkasar 5400 7400
Karachi Rawalpindi 5400 7400
Karachi Talagang N/A N/A
Karachi Rikhi N/A N/A
Karachi Danda Sha N/A N/A
Faisalabad Moro N?A N/A
Faisalabad Hyderabad 5700 N/A
Faisalabad Sukkur 3900 N/A
Faisalabad Rawalpindi 1550 1650
Faisalabad Karachi 6000 NILL
Hyderabad Multan NILL NILL
Hyderabad Faisalabad NILL NILL
Hyderabad Rawalpindi NILL 7000
Hyderabad Mianwali N/A 5450
Hyderabad Talagang N/A N/A
Hyderabad Balkasar NILL 8000
Balkasar Sukkur 4400 5800
Balkasar Moro 5000 6500
Balkasar Hyderabad 6100 8000
Balkasar Karachi 6000 8000
Mianwali Sukkur N/A N/A
Mianwali Moro N/A N/A
Mianwali Hyderabad N/A N/A
Mianwali Karachi N/A N/A
Multan Moro NILL NILL
Multan Hyderabad NILL NILL
Multan Karachi 3800 5500

Karachi to Jhang bus schedule

Both the buses have the same schedule. The first bus leaves at 7:00 a.m., and the second bus leaves at 11:30 a.m.


Travelling all over Pakistan will become very easy now. It is very difficult to choose the transport service that provides luxury services at low ticket fares. To solve your confusion and to ease your task, we have listed some bus services that are best for travelling all over Pakistan. Now it is up to you to choose the bus service according to your budget and comfort for your travel.